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Does anyone know how to get set up with Facturify, for the Mexican withholding tax CFDI??
Hello, we are also very concerned that we are not able to access our Facturify invoices. We did at the beginning for March and April, and then we were locked out of our account. Have tried to reset password but keep getting same message that we are blocked. No one from Abnb seems to be able to assist. They even gave me a Mexico phone number which doesn't work. However, our accountant in Mexico where we own our condos, has not once stated that the amount collected on the invoices were not being reported accurately to SAT. So the comments above are making me nervous to say the least. He handles other owners with same reporting requirements and has not had any issues. There are 2 other owners that are having same issues we are in that we cannot log in, but that's all.
I get an email every month from VRBO but Airbnb seems to not have figured this out.
I have only been hosting in Mexico since December 2021 and have never received anything from Airbnb, nor can I find anything on the website to assist me in signing up for Facturify. I receive my monthly factura from Facturify for reservations made on Vrbo, but nothing for Airbnb reservations. Last month, I contacted Airbnb and had four different staff people provide no answers or assistance. Their response: "we cannot provide tax advice." Both my Mexican accountant and I are totally frustrated with Airbnb. I am eager to resolve this issue so hoping a host can share the magic because Airbnb staff sure have been of no help. 🙂
Hola Catherine,
I see that you receive your VRBO invoices via FACTURIFY. How do you do this? Can someone at VRBO guide me?
Hi @Mario3904,
Best wishes,
I am having so much trouble with the whole system because to me it just doesn't make any sense and the numbers are inaccurate. There is no one that I have spoken to at Air B and B who has the information to help me and there is no one to speak with at Facturify... I think we all need to keep speaking out because the amount of taxes they are taking are ridiculous and even the totals being transferred over to these certificates are inaccurate. I think we all need to keep speaking out because they seem to think that they can get away with this. They are even taking my cleaning fees which the guest pays and the cleaning people work very hard for their salary. Please explain Air B and B and reimburse what rightfully belong to working people.
If you have uploaded your RFC to AirBnb, they automatically include the 16% VAT tax as part of the guest fee - you are not paying it. If you do a phony reservation on your property and you look at the details before purchase, you will see it there. The numbers in the withholding certificate may seem high, but AirBnb is reporting their share of the 16%, as well as your share. Remember, they are making income off of this transaction as well.
You should be looking at your nightly rate to determine how much you are getting with your payout, not the withholding certificate. There are two options of AirBnb fee schedule that you chose: 1) either you pay 3% and the guest pays the rest - or- 2) you pay the entire AirBnb fee. Take a second look at the option you chose. If you chose 3% - your payout should be the total to the guest minus guest fees, minus occupancy tax, minus 3% AirBnb fee to you, minus 4% income tax. That is if memory serves me correctly.
I outlined my journey to get all of this properly working under post entitled “US Citizen with Property in Mexico, Paying Mexican Taxes.” Sorry, I couldn’t figure out how to get a link to it. I could not see a way to log into Facturify or properly file taxes without an RFC. AirBnb support web pages state in order to gain access to Facturfy, you must upload your RFC tax certificate and then you will receive email instructions on how to access Facturify. I had to be relentless with AirBnb support for four days to enable the ability to upload the RFC certificate. Hopefully, my journey may provide some answers for you all somewhere along the way.
IMPORTANT - Just because you received a tax withholding certificate from VRBO,, if you don’t have an RFC, your taxes are not being properly reported to the Mexican tax authority. If you don’t have an RFC, VRBO is reporting those withholdings under a generic foreigner tax ID so that THEY remain in compliance with Mexican tax law, but you will not be in compliance. Under that scenario, VRBO expects that you will eventually retain an RFC so that your taxes can be properly reported.
AirBnb says that without an RFC certificate, they will withhold VAT and Income tax. Maybe they will do that if you are sending the money to a Mexican bank, but NOT if you are sending the money to the US. They don’t withhold a dime. After one reservation and I saw this was going on, I shut down my listing immediately. Yes, I lost five months of income doing an in-depth dive on this. Going to Mexico and doing what I had to do to get an RFC.
If you are not ready to deal with the complex issue of paying taxes in Mexico as a US citizen with the idea of renting it on AirBnb or VRBO, you should not be buying property in Mexico for this purpose. The Mexican government can seize your property and have started coming down on foreigners in some areas.
For those of you who have an RFC certificate and can’t get access to Facturify, I can tell you that AirBnb support are the only ones who can help you. Keep going to the “Help” link from your AirBnb host screen, go to the bottom and choose Contact Help. There, you will see all of your active support tickets. Don’t let them close the ticket until they resolve the problem. If they do close it, open another. Keep replying to the same response email every day until they resolve the problem, don’t let the support ticket stagnate. You will get your squeaky wheel greased.
We input our RFC # into our Airbnb account but Facturify is using the generic RFC # on our withholding certificates. They list the correct RFC # when we log into our account but use the generic RFC for reporting.
Facturify says they use the RFC number provided from Airbnb but Airbnb says they are providing the correct RFC #. Neither will provide a copy of what is being sent monthly. Anyone else have this issue?
Also, it should not take years to get an RFC unless you don’t have the time to travel to Mexico for the appointments you will need at Immigration and SAT. However, did you know that you can obtain an RFC number without applying for residency? Check the SAT website: https://www.sat.gob.mx/tramites/97439/inscribete-en-el-rfc-como-persona-fisica-si-eres-extranjero
I spoke to a Mexican accountant a few months back, and told her I don't have an RFC (working on it, but may take a few years). She said Airbnb is basically taking out all of your tax up front and giving it to the government, but you can get (most of) that money back after getting an RFC set up and filing taxes, but if you don't bother to set one up, the government will just keep the 16 to 20% (forgot which amount they take, the "total retinido" on the Facturify statement) from each booking. So there would be nothing else you would need to file and nothing more the Mexican government would need to come after you for. they already got their money from you.
It's money you/I and anyone else without an RFC are basically just letting go, so it's in our best interest to eventually get one, but if you're ok with having to wait the process to get one out, you can keep renting our your place without fear government will come after you.
I just came across this post. I am having a horrible time with A bnb support in regards to
the Facturify application. My accountant is telling me to select provisional under payment type 002 IVA The drop down is only giving me an option for definitivo. I cannot print a factura, therefore my taxes are late being filed. I have spent most of my time waiting for call backs, responses via their messages and emails. This has gone on for 13 days now. And every morning I awake to another " this case is now closed" message. Any idea of how I can move forward? Or at least any contact informantion. I have also been begging the people at Facturify for help as well.
Thank you in advance for any guidance you may give me.
I am not sure what you are having a problem with. The Facturify web site? @Julia-Mary1
OK - I found it on Facturify. The provisional is for the income tax only (ISR). There is no provisional for IVA (sales tax) - because that is a set rate.
Definitivo - you are accepting the default income tax rate without having to pay and accountant and upload your tax reports once a month. You can only do this if you are earning less than $300K (Pesos) a year.
Provisional - if you are earning more than $300K pesos a year, then you must choose provisional and file your taxes once a month.
I don't have a clue what to do.