request email contact with next guests where I'm currently lodging in Studio Sálome

Level 1
Miami Beach, FL

request email contact with next guests where I'm currently lodging in Studio Sálome

I'm requesing email contact with the guests with paid reservation to Studio Sálome in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from February 15 to 17, 2020.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jose-Ramon7 This is a discussion forum for hosts and guests, not Airbnb customer service.

Are you saying you want Airbnb to give you the email address of the guests who are going to be staying next where you are currently a guest? There is no way in the world Airbnb would release that information- it would be a serious breach of privacy. Would you want them giving out your personal information to someone else?

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Please use your Air BNB  contact information to pose your question.  This is not a staff monitored forum. If you are seeking a way to contact current guests, perhaps you have a good reason for doing so.  Contact staff via phone.  Here is a general description how to do this.