A Newbie

Level 1
Muldersdrift, South Africa

A Newbie

I have a booking from made by a third party for 5 guests. (two adults and 3 children).  Our listing clearly states that each tent sleeps a maximum of 3 people, yet Airbnb have allowed the booking to go through with all 5 guests making use of one tent and paying for only one tent.  How do I rectify this without loosing money or getting a bad rating?  P.s. I was not given the opportunity to decline of accept the booking.  It just appeared as "Confirmed" on my dashboard.  



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Chur, Switzerland


Unfortunately children below age of 2 do not count at all for the accupancy, not for the payment.

Write the guest a message or call them and try to find a solution with them first.


If that is not possible, call airbnb support for help.