A guest wants to stay an extra night

Level 2
Motueka, New Zealand

A guest wants to stay an extra night

Im a new host.    What is the best way to charge a guest for an extra night. I have a spare night so can take him.  is there a way in Airbnb that he can pay for this extra night with out having to do the extra reviewes for the extra night that has been add.


5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I don't really understand what you mean by extra reviews.


If you're guest wants to stay an extra night, go into the booking - hit the amend booking and add the extra night.


Make sure they accept the ammendment before you let them stay the extra night.



Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Dean-and-Sue0,


You can first send the guest a message saying that you are going to send a reservation change to include hte extra date and that they must respond by accepting it.


Then you can go to your reservations by clicking on "Host" and then "Your reservations".

Then find the reservation you wish to change and click on "Change or cancel" for it.

On the next page click on "Change Reservation" and then select the new checkout date.

Then click on "Submit".


The guest must  then select "Accept" for the change to be effected.




will this work after guest has arrived and wants to stay extra night. will he still pay be asked to pay ABNB


Hello @Dean-and-Sue0,

Yes, it will work in those circumstances and he will be charged for the extra night by Airbnb. He may be charged an extra fee as well.





























Thanks Steve