Accepting a booking Request - Preapproval not visible and calendar available

Level 1
Steamboat Springs, CO

Accepting a booking Request - Preapproval not visible and calendar available

With our last several inquires we recieve a message that we can preappove then and there is not an option to approve. Futher when we select the preappove button the message says "you have preappoved this guest for "0" days instead of the days that is stated in the reservation request.

We thought that possible this was because the guest might be new and had to verify the account, but upon review of them they had reviews from other host so they have stayed with other host so they have a valid account. 

Lastly why can we not contact Airbnb for resolve on issues?

Thank you for your time.


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

There is never an option to pre-approve a booking request - you can either accept or decline.  Inquiries have the pre-approval option - but a pre-approval does not block your calender, it is merely an option for the potential guest to book at the click of a button. You may pre-approve several for the same dates.

Learn more by reading the communtiy help guides.