I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hi All,
Attaching an email from Airbnb. Which destroyed me. And when i called 9-10 times then they told me the guest's name who made some complaint which i still don't know.
But for now my Account is suspended and all my future reservations were cancelled.
Let me brief you all about myself:
I am a superhost.
Associated with Airbnb from Past 22 months.
Hosted 120+ reservations.
100+ reviews
4.8 Rating.
83% Five star Ratings
And the Email is as follows:
**[Private conversation removed in line with Community Center Guidelines]
Now without even listening my view point they have taken the decision and suspended my account and even cancelled the future reservations.
I don't know how fair is this Action.
Anyone please suggest me what can i do now.
Udit **
This has happended to other hosts also, if you search in this community you find similar cases.
The Trust- and Safety department seems to be very strict.
As the email says: they will follow up with you soon.
BTW At this moment your account and all listings are still active and seems to be bookable (at least giving a calculation), but listings are not anymore in the search system.
https://www.airbnb.com/s?host_id=114839376 (direct search: no results)
best regards,
Yes, But strictness is something else and behaving like a dictator is something else.
Atleast they should hear my view point too.
Without even letting me know what's the issue that Guest had they have come to an conclusion and cancelled my future reservations.
I think I have to search for a new platform.
This is totally disgusting on Airbnb part.
Yes, i agree it is rather extreem. But here you can read what they do in such case, which is in line with their Terms of Service (accepted by you when registrating):
I hopy everything will be sorted out well and you can continue hosting in future.
Best regards,
But in my case its neither the acceptance rate nor the response rate.
It's like a guest has reported something to Airbnb that's what I came to know from Airbnb.
And after that all this happened.
But how can this is right.
I have left other things and about to become a full Host.
But this is not at all right.
@Udit0 I really sympathize. This is one of Airbnb's most outrageous and totalitarian policies. It would be like getting fired from your job without your employer telling you why you're being fired.
Certainly sounds a bit extreem open an account with Booking.com works well for us
Yes will do that.
@Udit0 I'm believe that all a guest has to do is make some accusation, like that the host entered their room during the night, or that the host touched them inappropriately, or maybe that they saw people doing drugs in the listing, and Airbnb assumes you're guilty until proven innocent. But they don't even give you any chance to defend yourself or prove anything, because they won't even tell you what the accusation was- they just act like judge and jury in some Kafka novel where you don't even know what's going on.
@Udit0 did this get resolved for you in the end?
We are superhosts with airbnb (4+ years, 600+ positive guest experiences) and find ourselves in the same boat over 1 anonymous guest complaint about a privacy invasion. We've had zero contact or response from Airbnb and it's been 2 weeks since all of our listings have been blocked from being booked. Feel like we're wandering in the wilderness... pls let us know how it turned out for you and what happened following your posts on this thread.
Well.... that's a bit sad - I've just tried to click on @Udit0 's listings and see he's been de-activated.
Another superhost executed on Airbnb's death row. No trial. No Jury. No recourse. Just an executioner based on any unsubstantiated guest complaint.