Advice on pricing, second room, and additional people please!

Level 1
Klemzig, Australia

Advice on pricing, second room, and additional people please!

I have had several very successful bookings and now want to add a second bedroom. How can I offer the second bedroom so that it becomes a second booking and shows up as vacant on my calendar till both rooms are booked.

2 Replies 2

You need to create a second listing for the second room.  They will run independent of each other and have their own calendars.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Fuzzy0 A second room becomes a second listing with its own calendar.  If you want to offer the possibility of booking both rooms at the same time, you could develop a third listing that would have it's own calendar.  You would need to make sure that as the rooms are separately booked, you update the combined calendar.  Good luck