Austin ADU, can I get a permit?

Level 1
San Francisco, CA

Austin ADU, can I get a permit?

Hello Everyone


TLDR - I want to build a ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) Shipping Container Home on my property to rent out on AirBNB.  Is it possible to get it permitted for more than 30 days of the year? No HOA, within ACL. Is it possible to build a new ADU in Austin and have it be an short term rental  50% of the year?


I've been toying around with the idea of building an ADU on my property.  It started out as an idea for a guest house/Music/Art studio, but I keep on thinking that it's make sense to use that space for an AirBnB.  I was looking up permitting and city ordinances, and it limits the use of  ADU's for short term rentals to 30 days per year.  Is there any way around it?  Like, can I rent it out for longer if I get a permit?  We'd be living full time in the main house, and I like the idea of being able to use it when I need it and rent it out when I don't.  If I REALLY wanted to, I could attach it to the side of my house, but I don't want to mess with the structure on the main house.  


Is it possible to build a new ADU in Austin and have it be an short term rental?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Austin, TX

just about every listing in Austin on ABB is illegal (unpermitted). Just depends on how risk averse you are.

FYI, anything that involves a permit in Austin is no fun. Just do an internet search on the current backlog of electrical inspections. 


getting the ADU permitted may be more difficult than the STR


If you could get a license, the 30 day provision just means that you have a true STR and you aren't creating a multi-family LTR