Booked guest with no reviews but she now has 1 review that is bad.

Level 1
Lake Jackson, TX

Booked guest with no reviews but she now has 1 review that is bad.

We are very new to renting out our home. We’ve had about 10/11 bookings and have only had 1 bad booking. BUT that 1 bad guest has us very wary about guests. We accepted a booking for someone that didn’t have any reviews because we realize that there will be new people to Airbnb. The guest now has 1 review from this month (May 2019) and the host stated the guest left the house a disaster and broke one of their beds. Any suggestions??? Are we just screwed and have to just deal with what’s probably coming? Is it wrong to question the guest about the review? Protecting our property/investment is of utmost importance. 

Top Answer
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Marilyn219 call Airbnb and explain that you are not comfortable hosting that person because of the review and have them cancel the reservation for you but don't cancel it yourself. 

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2 Replies 2
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Marilyn219 call Airbnb and explain that you are not comfortable hosting that person because of the review and have them cancel the reservation for you but don't cancel it yourself. 

Thank you! Didn’t know how Airbnb would respond if I called but I def will now and see what they say.