Level 1
London, United Kingdom




My calendar is blocked after a guest wanted answers to questions, that used up the time allowed for the booking to be confirmed.

It had expired and my guest said the confirmation button had faded and wouldn't work. 

I expected it to have cancelled and for my calendar to show as available for those dates again.

Hoping we could start again and confimr the booking between us.

He says he really wants to stay in my studio. So hoping to change the calendar, I tried using the decline option.

Hoping that would work. It didn't. How do I contact Airbnb?

What email address do I use? I have tried sending two emails in response to a couple of emails from the and no reply as yet.

Is there aphone number I can call them on? I keep being directed to this community help site.

Thank you to anyone who cna help me with this.



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Seattle, WA

@Suzanne159 was the guest sending a reservation request and you did not approve/decline within 24hr? If yes, then the calendar will be blocked. Hosts must make a decision (approving/declining) reservation request within 24hr, otherwise, the calendar will remain blocked for the dates that the guest is requesting.

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Hi Farah, thanks very much for your response. I did that....Accepted. But, still the guest said the ption to accept and confirm had faded. I managed to communicate with Airbnb, by email and phone. Who were very helpful. The reason was partly due to much discusion between host and guest can confuse the calendar and it needed more time to reset again.

It did reset, after a few more hours and all was fine. My calendar was unbocked and the dates became available again. Success!

It just needed more time than expected. After that, my guest could try again. He didn't. After saying how much he wanted my place, he had to have it... Urging me to let him..... I think it is worth mentioning. I am not sure what he was really trying to do. But, on his initial contact. He tried to persuad me to let him have my private details. So he could view my studio flat before he confirmed a booking. His profile said India, although, he must be in the UK. He wasn't giving me enough information about himself. Only that he was attached to LSE. I have had a few people say they are from there, contact me, using an association with that institute. And offering an LSE email address. Seems to be a popular demand for viewings from those connected with be on the safe side. I told him I only accepted guests through Airbnb. Anyone else had that experience? 

@Farah0 sorry I missed out your @ reply as above. Many thanks again.