Can I offer Experiences in my own home for things I'm skilled in, like soap making?

Level 4
Mabton, WA

Can I offer Experiences in my own home for things I'm skilled in, like soap making?

I am a crafter. I make soap, bead tree of life pendants, craft with polymer clay and sew. In my listing, can I offer these to potetial guests to participate with me? Does that violate AirBnb policy? I also have a son who is becoming  a rather big name in the spoon carving world. He holds workshops in his local area several times a year. If I knew in advance, can I offer that as an Experience on an intermittent basis?


1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I can't see why you can't provide both @Julie1525 . Why don't you apply and see if you get accepted.