So for three years Airbnb was my lifeblood - supplying 90% of my guests in my villa in Sanur Bali.
But then around this time last year things changed . If I went onto the Airbnb site as a prospective guest I could not find my own listing - no where to be seen.
Support at first denied this was not possible - but rang back ten mins later to admit they too could not find the listing.
Somehow it was magically restored and bookings picked up. Concidentally!! when I was looking for my own booking and failing the site showed 197 entire homes for rent in Sanur - when they had fixed my problem that figure magically rose to 300 .
Now the same thing is happening again and I am awaiting a reply from support. Coupled with all the bulls--t changes made in the last few months- the stupid filters etc, Airbnb has totally lost its way.
I said I never would but today I listed with
Its time Airbnb realised it has lost its way and needs to rewind.