Canceling for a guest, giving them back there whole money back

Level 1
Saint-Jean-d'Aulps, France

Canceling for a guest, giving them back there whole money back

Hello Community,


I have a guest which was very much on time for the cancelling of the apartement, and because it leaves me a lot of space in order to find new customers, I would like to offer her a full refund. To clarify, I have strict cancelation policies. However, I don't know how I can do that. 

Can someone help me on this subject ? 


Thank you in advance fellow hosts !


Kind Regards,


1 Best Answer

It's simple. I've done it myself once or twice. What you do is you ask and wait for the guest to cancel his reservation. He will be informed again about the strict policy but when you at your end have to accept the change you can forfeit the policy and chose in the drop box to fully refund him and voila. Booking cancelled and the guest fully refunded. Remember that you must not cancel but let the guest do it so you don't get a penalty. Good luck!

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4 Replies 4
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

They need to cancel not you. BNB will then provide them with any refund due in line with your cancellation policy. Don't cancel or you will be penalised. 


Read up up on how cancellations work on the host section on the BNB website 

Level 1
Saint-Jean-d'Aulps, France

Hi ! 


I understand that, I would like though to refund them more than my cancelation policies, how should I do that ? 


Kind Regards,




It's simple. I've done it myself once or twice. What you do is you ask and wait for the guest to cancel his reservation. He will be informed again about the strict policy but when you at your end have to accept the change you can forfeit the policy and chose in the drop box to fully refund him and voila. Booking cancelled and the guest fully refunded. Remember that you must not cancel but let the guest do it so you don't get a penalty. Good luck!

Level 1
Saint-Jean-d'Aulps, France

Thank you christian.