
Level 2
Doha, Qatar


Hi. I am new on the airbnb. Rented my accommodation by airbnb only about 2 weeks in this August and around netto  1000-1020$ was the accepted income of me. 

On June 26th one guy booked my accommodation for 550$,  but because our main door became impossible to close the reservation was cancelled. That day strated my nightmares with the airbnb. The guy who never check in after the cancellation immediately started to force me to return back his money. That money which is never received to me. When I informed the guy his money not with me, the airbnb do not returned back his money directly , instead of this they sent to me the money to me. During this period also did rent my house as well. We provided everything for the guests do they got the all money from rent of my property. 

End of August on 29th the Airbnb charged 550$ from my credit card that amount what they sent me before. I toughed this case it's done and finished. 

On September around 20th when they should transfer my money which was earned via my property I was surprised because reduced the full amount with 550$ ergo double charged and just stolen 550$ from me. 

I did call them on my cost minimum 2 times it was one hour as international call from middle east which call also was quite costly for me. Few days later I got an email with an link which is not exist   as my case is there. It was 1.5 month ago.

Today is November 18th my 550$ still missing I don't have money to call them. My property is in Hungary my question is where can I open a criminal case about the double charged 550$. 

Unfortunately about that cancelled booking which is the base on my case everything is disappeared on my user platform. 

I need help what can I do to get back my money.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

How about you call Airbnb and get support? 

@Blanca49 This is a host forum, Airbnb do not monitor it.   Here are all the ways to contact Airbnb, try Twitter or Facebook, they have been known to get a faster response.