Cleaning Fee

Level 2
Sherfield English, United Kingdom

Cleaning Fee

Hi all,

Is it possible to add a one off cleaning fee to each booking, which could then be returned once the guests check out - if they have left the place in a satisfactory state?


I have found recently that after a year of being a host, I am suddenly encountering lots of "dirty" guests and have suffered more breakages in the past month than in the previous year!


I think a returnable cleaning fee would be a great way to motivate guests to be more respectful of our property.

What do you guys think?



4 Replies 4
Level 2
Washington, DC

It sounds like you may want to add a damage deposit to your listing. This will often encourage guests to be more careful.


If your costs to host are increasing due to broken items and more cleaning, consider increasing your nightly rate or cleaning fee.

Level 10
Orono, ME


You can add a cleaning fee. It is a one time fee that is added to each reservation. After the guest has stayed you can "give back" the cleaning fee amount by clicking on the "Send or Request" money button and follow the prompts for a refund.


If you are going to do this, I would come up with a plan for how you are going to explain this to guests. Are you going to mention this to guests ahead of time or put it on your listing page? Do you want guests mentioning that you do this in their review? If you do not refund a cleaning fee and the guest thinks they deserve it, will there be issues? What is a satisfactory state? Your expectations could differ from theirs if not clearly communicated. 

Level 2
Sherfield English, United Kingdom

Thank you very much Emilia. 

As it is possible, I will certainly give it some thought, and you raise some excellent questions. 

However, I have had only a few people who haven't left me a review in the past 12 months, and they are all people who I would certainly not welcome back. 

95% of guests are great but the ones who aren't seem to be increasing in number. So far this month I've had to replace glasses, a bowl, new placements and two new sets of sheets (covered in food stains no less!) plus certain decorative items have been smashed. 

It is such a shame, but I feel the review system holds the host to ransom. I need to think about it but there are plenty of intelligent folk out there who will understand I'm sure. 

Thank you again for your post. 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Personally I don't think this is a good idea and will mean you lose money @Shelly94 


Your cleaning fee is to prepare your place and covers so much more than cleaning ie any free food you offer, toiletries, your time buying items for the listing,  along with a deep clean of your listing. 


If your guest damages something either put it down to wear and tear if low costs or take a deposit and claim back the cost.


I have found the best way to ensure you have good guests is to vet them carefully, always ask for a photo and photo ID. And to ensure you leave clear check out expectations (mine are attached to the fridge with a fridge magnet).