Click to get HTML not working

Level 2
Holmrook, United Kingdom

Click to get HTML not working


I am wanting to embed a preview of our listing, but when I go to 'Promote yourself with Airbnb badges' and click on the featured listing, as provided at the bottom under 'Your Reviews' and 'Listing Rating' , the HTML does not appear. Why isn't it working, or is there anything I can do to get this feature working? Thank you for any help.


Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The badges frequently fail to work, as Airbnb changes platform reguraly and do not update the badges. Better not use them. It's also all written in Javascript end it has mostly errors, which gives (protection)software sometimes a signal it is malware.

BTW In my account the HTML is displayed when clicking on "Reviews" and "Rating", but there must be at least one listing displayed underneath this options. The badges only are for this listing, so also rather useless if you have more listings.


Alternate: You can create a link to your homepage and do some custom html-work around it.

Tip: upload a nice coverphoto to the homepage.


Best regards,



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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The badges frequently fail to work, as Airbnb changes platform reguraly and do not update the badges. Better not use them. It's also all written in Javascript end it has mostly errors, which gives (protection)software sometimes a signal it is malware.

BTW In my account the HTML is displayed when clicking on "Reviews" and "Rating", but there must be at least one listing displayed underneath this options. The badges only are for this listing, so also rather useless if you have more listings.


Alternate: You can create a link to your homepage and do some custom html-work around it.

Tip: upload a nice coverphoto to the homepage.


Best regards,
