Definatly check with zoning but from what Ive been reading a lawsuit filed by hosts was finally heard and it was once again turned down. You must be in a tourist accomodation zoning to legally rent short term and there are very few homes in this zoning. Its reserved for the hotels with big pockets.. With that said there are many Airbnbs but since most dont post pictures of the outside of their home I couldnt really tell you if they are in the zone.....Personally I find it rediculous to stop individuals from being entrapeneurs, making the beachside properties better instead of drug dens and the city and county losing untold thousands in revenue during event weeks because guests have to stay as far as Orlando due to lack of rooms where they sleep, eat, shop and likewise spend their money instead of bringing it to the city and Volusia County. Hmmm how about we raise the sales tax instead? That went over like a lead balloon.
Jayne Rocco