@John1043 There are many discussion threads about responding to reviews that you might find useful throughout this host forum. In summary, experienced hosts think a short acknowledgement of a positive review is also an opportunity to highlight an aspect of your listing, for example, "glad you enjoyed the spa and patio".
As to responding to a negative public review, it is important to remember that the audience is NOT the guest, but is seen by potential guests. Brief acknowledgment of the guest "disappointment", followed by a short explanation of the issue (often the guest did not read the listing description) and a statement of host action if appropriate and host "appreciation" of guests who enjoyed their stay. Portraying yourself as the professional, caring host you are without being defensive or belittling of the guest.
One big mistake is when there is a public response to a private message from the guest. Confusing to potential guests and often brings to light issues that are not flattering to the listing.