I have a guest booked for tonight. However, he turned up unannounced yesterday around lunchtime. When I enquired as to his expectations he knew he was a day early, and was not expecting to stay. He ended up inside my home, which was wierd. Never really explained his reasoning for being there. His behaviour made me feel unsafe. He had booked as a couple with his wife, but was alone. Thankfully I had friends round as well as my in laws had arrived otherwise I would have felt very vulnerable being home with my baby son. He then left after a short time. However he returned again at 7pm rang doorbell and my son answered so he again gained entry into my home the day previous to his booking. My husband was in the front room bathing our baby son, so I was thankful that he made himself known to the arrival. I came to speak with him. He was again alone. He stated he wanted to cancel his reservation. I stated that this was fine and his own choice. He stated it was because he did not want to sleep on a futon, which is understandable however, the listing of my place states this in the description and also has pictures of it. He requested a refund. I informed him that all financial transactions need to go through the Airbnb website and advised him to do this. This morning I have checked my account and he has not cancelled. I really do not want this guy in my home. Has anyone else had issues like this? I am concerned as I am quite new to Airbnb, that I have made my children vulnerable as I have mentioned on the listing in the section regarding potential for noise that guests may encounter the sound of children playing etc. Should I take this off the listing?