Fake Listing that AirBNB refuses to take down

Level 2
Centurion, South Africa

Fake Listing that AirBNB refuses to take down



This is a Fake listing of my Holiday Home, been contacted by numerous guests who have paid their deposits . I have contacted AirBNB numerous times to indicate this is a fake listing and should be blocked, with no success, they don't answers their telephones

I am concerned about my families safety should one of these scammed guests approach us...


Appreciate assistance 


Thank you

33 Replies 33
Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Iftikhar0 I clicked the link & your fake listing appears to have gone - I'm just getting the Search page inviting me to enter a location to search.... Is that right? - Looks like you've now succeeded in getting the fake 'listing' of your house removed?


Level 2
Centurion, South Africa

Hi Yes it's gone for now , same as 3 weeks ago, then reappeared a few days later

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Iftikhar0 Then we'll have to keep checking the link, ready to hit that 'Report' button.....

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Iftikhar0 It's back!  - I'll hit the 'Report' button....

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Although it is not (back) in the search system:


Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Emiel1 Now I'm confused.........!

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Iftikhar0 @Helen350 @Emiel1  I see that it's gone as well. Just goes to main search page when I click the link.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Sarah977 I got that, then got the listing shortly after, then back to search, all in about an hour!

@Helen350  I wonder if it's Airbnb doing that or the illegal "host". 

Level 2
Centurion, South Africa
Level 2
Centurion, South Africa

This listing is back can't believe AirBNB allows these fake listings to continue to scam people, ?? And endanger lives

yes, it is new, the host is verified with a phone number and email only.


but then @Iftikhar0  you are also registered with email and phone number only, you have no listings and no reviews.


Level 2
Centurion, South Africa

I only joined the community to report the fake listing and poor service from AirBNB

@Iftikhar0  I understand... but where those pictures came from? Do you rent your house on other booking platforms?