Getting started

Level 1
Sebring, FL

Getting started

Where is Airbnb originated ? Does it have a phone number to call if needed. Also..I don't have a computer..just doing it from my phone. Will that be okay or do I need a computer 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

hi @Pat6876 

Airbnb HQ is in California, but they have offices all over the world


Here you have telephone numbers


You can download the app to your phone, no need for a computer


If you need help, you can Direct message me - click on my "face", should open a window, and you see a pink button "send message".

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Personally I find it much easier to set up and manage my listing from a laptop @Pat6876 


But some hosts such as @Roberta2  find it perfectly easy to manage on their phone.


There are some useful tutorials and guides on this forum that will help you and Airbnb Help is good for the basics around managing your listing. Do read through them before you set up your listing.


I would say:-


1. Don't use Instant Book when you first set up as this will give you the opportunity to vet guests before you accept bookings and become familiar with how Airbnb works (Airbnb will push you to do this ignore them)


2. If you live remotely from your listing have CCTV at your entrances


3. Don't offer the 20% discount on new bookings Airbnb will encourage you to offer


4. Read up on host cancellations and cancellation policies. Read up on how the Airbnb 'guarantee' works. (You will also need your own home insurance for STRs in addition to the guarantee).


5. Don't agree to list based on Airbnb's suggested pricing, look at what your competitors with comparable listings list at and set in line with theirs.


6. In terms of house rules, add in rules around late night noise, parties, and no guests being on the premises unless they have booked and paid.