Girl booked 2 nights for her friends and they left because they claimed it was unacceptable

Level 1
Santa Monica, CA

Girl booked 2 nights for her friends and they left because they claimed it was unacceptable

I'd cleaned myself and they were complaining about a bit of duty on the floor(my floor shows everything) a bit of soil on a windowsill where I'd had some plants, and the clean duvet and sofabed sheets looking rumply! It's an apartment I live in, not a hotel. they sent a picture of some scuffs on a table as though table had to be perfect! They complained about a bit of shampoo stuck on the edge of the tub and a 1-inch hair I missed. 


 Should I refund half and demand a good review (young listing needs reviews) or refund nothing? she didn't ask to get out of the listing due to an emergency as I told her and my listing was blocked from reservation on a really lucrative weekend! thank you!


I don't want to be punished by Airbnb. Most people would have said my place looked like a clean, spare apartment. 

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Somerville, MA

@Monica772  Oh dear. Do NOT offer to pay for a better than expected review. This is known as extorsion and AirBNB will delist you if they get wind of this.


Hotel or your personal home, you will find that guests are NOT interested in loose dirt anywhere and hairs simply skeeve people out completely. Cleaning the space is one of the few things we can actually control. It is a worthy goal to make your house as clean as it can be.


Good luck as you learn about this new world!

Level 1
Santa Monica, CA

What do you think I should do? 

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Monica772  there is a wide range of opinion on such questions. Personally, in your shoes I would offer a 100% refund and a humble apology and hope for the best.

Level 10
New South Wales, Australia


i have 1 rules never to give 100% as the guest will do it again. How many nights the guests stay, my advice will be to give back 30 to max 50% of what she asked if she slept there is no reason to give 100% money back.
My advice when renting to guests as they are not family or friend, your house need to be spotless every single corner. Especially share space 


Level 10
New South Wales, Australia


sorry i think I am little confused if they came and left without entering or using anything u should give money back, and ask ABB to release the date on ur calendar so u can  get booking asap even for a cheaper price 


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Monica772  Quite frankly I am shocked at your question.  Of course you should refund 100%.  Your levels of "cleanliness" are clearly different from most other people's and you already have reviews saying that the place was dirty.  If you want to get good reviews, improve your standards and don't even think about providing a partial refund in return for a good review - that's extortion as @Susan151 has already told you and will lead to an immediate delisting by Airbnb.  

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


I don't understand.... did they left immediately or they stayed the entire weekend?

If they left immediately then I would refund 100%

if they stayed then they should say something during their stay and give you the oportunity to clean it.

If they stayed, said nothing during their stay and then complained after check out then I don't know... I don't think I would refund anything, or maybe just a cleaning fee.

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Monica772 from the number of things you have missed when cleaning I would suggest to pay better attention when cleaning in the future. Those are small things but when they add up the whole place may seem dirty. I also have floors that show everything and more often than not I have to clean them up to 3 times before the next guest. Take the time before your next guests and clean the apartment as detailed as possible, with moving the beds, cleaning under and over everything. Do that once a month and then clean it a bit lightly before every guest but still being detailed about the used spaces. As to the refund, if they complained during their stay and you didn't clean again I would give them 100%, if you cleaned and they complained after they finished their stay - nothing, and if they complained after they stay but you didn't clean in the meantime I would give 50%,maybe a bit less. But I think you will get a bad review anyway unfortunately. And also, you shouldn't accept third party bookings, the person that books needs always to come and not make reservations for other peope, it is against their policy. You can call Airbnb in these cases and they will cancel penalty free, but never cancel yourself.