Guest Feedback

Level 2
Waukesha, WI

Guest Feedback

Good morning,


Possibly I have been so busy that I didn't notice earlier...but today I found an area that said "Guest Feedback" under the ratings section.   "Your guests suggested improving the following..."  There is "bathroom cleanliness - 1"  "bedroom cleanliness - 1."  After getting over my feelings of shock and horror I decided to reach out to the community. Is there anyway to find out who, what, where, and the why of this feedback?  While I strive to be a terrific top host and cleanliness is top priority, I know I am not perfect. I try to follow the same routine with every room change over.  Yet...if I missed something I certainly want to figure out what it was.



Top Answer

Go through each guest review and you should be able to see where it is coming from. I know, it is shocking....

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11 Replies 11

Go through each guest review and you should be able to see where it is coming from. I know, it is shocking....

Thank you for advising me in on this.  Now I can see the individuals that gave me this particular feedback.  I have had terrific guests overall, but the two that left these remarks were some of my messiest guests.  Interesting....

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Michelle1796 @Helen-And-Mario0 this has been visible on the phone app for a long time; looks like it just appeared on the website interface with recent changes in ratings page format. If you go through each review you will see where these were left. BTW, I've had some that are clearly spurious, like "missing pillows" or "missing soap" so I don't take it too seriously.

@Lisa723    @Michelle1796   I agree, do not take it seriously unless you know it's your fault.  Big airbnb fail not to ask for details, it can drive a person crazy trying to figure out what it is.  I had to laugh (albeit grimly) at one low rating I received.  A guest complained of personal odor in the bathroom and marked me down for cleanliness. I had noticed it too, it was the person she was traveling with.  I had taken some subtle steps to minimize the odor as best I could on top of the almost floor to ceiling window that is always kept open and an extractor fan.  Luckily I have two bathrooms and her guest used only one of them and they were only here for 3 nights.


Level 10
Boise, ID

@Lisa723   Oh, the infamous "missing soap"!   Lolol           


I provide liquid soaps only and one guest took exception to that, demanding a soap bar, sigh. 

Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Michelle1796 I have had this from one guest.

She also gave me 5 stars.

Nowt so queer as folk.

Level 2
Jerusalem, Israel

Hi, I am new in hosting and wanted to get feedback from those who have experience on my listing. Thank you so much

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Debo1496 it's better to start a new thread if you want feedback on your listing.


What do you mean by a new thread?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



This topic is from 2019 and is about guest feedback during the review process, so it's not relevant to your question.


If you would like experienced hosts to feedback on your listing, it's best to start a new topic about that as you are more likely to get responses. You should be able to see a button to 'start a new conversation'. Then you can start your own topic, specifically asking for that feedback.


There is actually a topic here on the CC with instructions on how to ask for listing critique. I tried to find it so I could link it for you, but couldn't. Perhaps someone else here can find it and link it.