Guest asking for first 2 nights refund due to arriving 2 days late due to hospital appointment.


Guest asking for first 2 nights refund due to arriving 2 days late due to hospital appointment.

Last Saturday guests contacted me by phone (24 hours before due time) to say they would not be able to arrive until Tuesday.

They said that this was because of a hospital appointment and asked for the first 2 nights to be refunded.

I did not promise anything other than having to check cancellation policy.

They left yesterday very happy with accommodation but asked again for refund. I have since had text asking again.

I dont feel that I should refund but would like your opinion. Also worried about negative feedback

Should I ask them to try through Air BnB ?



Top Answer


If it were me I'd tell them (nicely) that they need to contact ABB to get a refund based on extenuating circumstances - because your current cancellation policy does not refund last minute changes.

IMO, hosts shouldn't have to hand out money because guests can't be bothered enough to make changes to their reservation IN ADVANCE. Hotels would not issue out a refund in such cases, why should hosts?? 

If they get the refund then they get it.... but no need whatsoever for the host to initiate a refund or just hand it out 🙂 If they want their 2 nights worth back, they can handle it with ABB. 

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4 Replies 4

@Keith149, it is difficult to determine what the right thing to do is because there are some things that are unknown.

  1. What cancellation policy was the booking made under?
  2. What was the reason for the hospital appointment? (And was it an emergency or a choice to go to this?)
  3. When did they first know they would not be able to arrive as planned?
  4. Why did they wait until 24 hours before check-in to let you know? 
  5. How long was the stay overall? (Sounds like 8 nights originally booked?)

I don't know if you know the answers to any of this, but what is fair depends a lot on how unavoidable and unplanned the delay was.


If it were me I'd tell them (nicely) that they need to contact ABB to get a refund based on extenuating circumstances - because your current cancellation policy does not refund last minute changes.

IMO, hosts shouldn't have to hand out money because guests can't be bothered enough to make changes to their reservation IN ADVANCE. Hotels would not issue out a refund in such cases, why should hosts?? 

If they get the refund then they get it.... but no need whatsoever for the host to initiate a refund or just hand it out 🙂 If they want their 2 nights worth back, they can handle it with ABB. 

Thanks Jessica and Henry

I agree with you. I would have liked ABB to have offered some advice. But so far no response.

But Ill give them a few hours to respond. If not I will message the guests and refer to the policy as you suggested. But maybe offer them another 2 nights FOC.





Level 10
Como, CO

First they have to cancel,  I sometime give a full refund if it is a simple mistake and they cancel quickly so I have a chance to relet, otherwise most hosts will refund if they obtain another booking which seems fair.


Extenuating Circumstances, if they apply, is between guest and abb.
