Guest checked out early/Review

Level 1
Austin, TX

Guest checked out early/Review

I have guest  check out early  bu he have more days on my calendar how I cane reopen my calendar for the rest of his reservation dates 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Issam0,


If the guest checked out a few days early and doesn't cancel or change the dates through Airbnb then you still get paid for the full number of days.


I would leave it up to the guest to either cancel or request a change of dates which they must do before the end of the reservation.

If they don't cancel or change then you still get paid in full and have a hosting break too 🙂


If you really want to free the dates then you can send the guest a change request to reflect the number of days they stayed. If they accept it, the days will be freed and Airbnb will refund them according to your chosen cancellation policy.




Hi Steve,

I just had a guest check out early.  The couple booked for 7 nights, and after two informed me that they had found work two hours away (working holiday visa in Australia) and would be checking out on the morning of the fourth day.  She sent me a change request which I declined as I need to research the implications of me accepting.  I discussed with her, and she subsequently sent me another request to amend the booking.  After pouring over information from other hosts in the community, I discovered that had I accepted her request to cancel, this would have bypassed my cancellation policy (moderate), and she would have received a full refund for the remaining 4 nights.   I requested that she cancel the booking on her ABB profile, without any input from me, which she did.  In such a case, it the sole responsibility of the guest to cancel on their ABB profile (if you want to enforce your cancellation policy), and therefore my cancellation policy kicked in.  Warning to hosts, DO NOT ACCEPT REQUESTS TO CHANGE THE BOOKING, as this will bypass your cancellation policy.  Simply ask the guest to cancel (without any need for your to accept via a change request).  When I investigated this procedure of sending me a request to cancel, I asked the guest if she was aware of my cancellation policy, and she said "yes", and despite this she (in my opinion) attempted to bypass my policy and gain full refund for 4 of her 7 nights booking, with TWO requests to me to accept the changes to the booking (both of which I "declined").   It's holiday season here where I am, and I am now changing my policy from "moderate" to "strict".