Guest leaving belongings for Holiday break.

Guest leaving belongings for Holiday break.

We have a guest that has been in our home for about 8 weeks. He extends every two weeks or so.  He is in town for a job and is unsure of an exact time he will return to his hometown. He is checking out on the 24th for Thanksgiving break but has not made arrangements to return to our home yet. Tonight he asked if he could leave his car and all of his belonging in our guest room (where he is staying) because he saw that we had the holidays blocked off. Should we tell him to pay for the nights all of his belongings are here or just let him keep them here free? I’m torn. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
СПБ, Russia



He wants to leave his car in your guest room.?  Legendary request!


I'd try to nail him down on his intentions as they sound vague.


If he returns after the break to continue rent the room, I personally wouldn't object to storing luggage there without charge, as long as if he has been a good guy for the 8 week booking beforehand and you don't intend on renting out during the holiday. Otherwise, it surely depends on his further plans. Insurance cover should be considered too, for liability.

Maybe he should keep his belongings in his car.



Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Trent-and-Kijana0 


If he hasn't booked to stay with you after the holidays I wouldn't be inclined to keep his belongings in your guest room or leave his car there.


You can always tell him you have family visiting and that's why you blocked out the dates so you will need the guest room. 


Are there left luggage facilities in your area that you could direct him to?


You know the guest and we don't, so only you can make a judgement call on this.


Perhaps a compromise if you have room is to say that he can leave his car at yours for XXX days,  but will need to use a left luggage facility for his belongings. (You can tell him they won't be covered by your home insurance as he won't be a paying guest during this period).