Guest who wants to skip Airbnb for reservation and payment

Level 1
Sofia, Bulgaria

Guest who wants to skip Airbnb for reservation and payment

Dear Community,


I'm relatively new to Airbnb hosting but enjoying it a lot so far 🙂


I just had a request from one guest who tries to violate the rules and insisted on making a payment in cash, he was very insistant and I rejected his request.


Please advise is there a way to report him and warn the community about such misbehaviour?




1 Best Answer
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


report him via little gray flag in his messages. Plus you can do the same thing on his profile.

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3 Replies 3
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


report him via little gray flag in his messages. Plus you can do the same thing on his profile.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

HI Milena,


I also had a guest who wanted to do this.  Infact, he booked 2 nights and then asked me direct through messaging to have the third, and suggested over the phone that he pay me direct.  When I refused (because it is against company policy) he got very angry and left my only 1* review.  I reported this to Airbnb and they didn't seem to care, and let the bad review remain.  Very unsatisfactory.

Hi Milena,

I would advise calling Airbnb again and requesting to have the review taken off. Sometimes it depends who you talk to.

Good luck.