Guests needing a set of requirements before leaving a negative review

Level 1
Waimea, HI

Guests needing a set of requirements before leaving a negative review


I would like to ask for a series of requirements for a guest prior to them having the ability to write an erroneous negative review.

For example:

Dear guest, if you would like to leave a negative review, have you:

Communicated promptly to the host, alerting them of the situation, expectation, etc. 

Has that host responded and tried to their best ability to remedy the situation? 


My personal experience: Have had vast majority of wonderful reviews, but have had negative reviews by those that acknowledged everything was fine when I asked and then noted a negative situation such as they found a fly in the window, etc. 


I feel that the hosts have to always be on guard and the guests have the upper hand that is affecting our livelihood. 


Thank you!


1 Reply 1


There are many,many community discusion posts on the theme of guest reviews...and the general opinion is that, at present, the review system is somewhat primitive and flawed.


It is generally recognised that there are far more hosts than guests and as such I think the system is designed at present in favour of the guests rather than the hosts.


Whether anything changes or the system becomes at present..anyone's guess