Guests throw a 30 people party and sabotage my home and i get zero support from airbnb !

Level 2
Berlin, Germany

Guests throw a 30 people party and sabotage my home and i get zero support from airbnb !

Hello to all dear people,

After 5 weeks of insane lack of support from airbnb including arrogant and even offensive behaviour i decided to write the case down here to make sure the true about airbnb is shown publicly here:


5 weeks ago ive rented my place in berlin to a group of 4 guests for 2 nights over the NYE


When i came back to my apartment after 2 nights, ive been shocked to realise what happened to my place, its been all radically sabotaged, messy and dirty.

things like lamps, coffee machine, glasses and plates were broken. bedsheets were all blooded from overuse of drugs (i found rests of very hard drugs everywhere in the apartment) and sex (all bedsheets and bedlinens were used, also the 15 new packages which been in the storage), they left insane amount of dirt and mess including bubble gums all over the floors and walls which took ages to take off and they also did "tooth paste fights" and left marks all over the place.


While me being still shocked making some photos, I got my neighbour knocking on my door telling what has happend here in my apartment while i was away, he and another 4 families that i met over this day told me that the guests have done a real mess in the building and hosted a very loud party for around 30 people.

when my neighbours tried to knock there and ask them to stop the party the guests just told them "or that you take 100 euro and let us party or that you can go f*** yourself"


I also rented my second flat just on the same floor and the airbnb guests that stayed there were afraid to leave the place because every second someone from the party tried to open their doors or abbuse them, they thought its me throwing this party and therfor gave me a 1-star review.


So ive contacted airbnb to claim the situation, and all i got so far (already 5 weeks!) is a company that dont take any responsabilty over the mess that THEIR GUESTS have done to MY PLACE. 


Endless amount of emails and phone calls so far and me providing everything i could like cleaning invoices (nearly 500 euro!!), invoices of the broken items , invoices of the new bedsheets, glasses and plates that i bought - non of this got recognised by airbnb support and they decided that i dont get the money for it.


Than i asked for the money i deserve for the fact that 30 people was living at my place for 2 nights because im charging 40 euro per night after the 4th guest and they wrote to me that without a proof like a photo of 30 guests they cant do nothing with this claim.

which its obviously very stupid as i was not in berlin and photographing somebody is not legal in Germany despite the fact i shouldnt be inside the apartment while its rented.


So buttom line is I shared my place for airbnb guests that sabotage my place, tried to call them for around 40 times, more than 50 emails and in the end i get nothing from airbnb except a final email saying:


"No further loss can be taken regarding this reservation. This is a final decision and can not be overturned."


Its terriffying to know that if something happens, nobody cares and youll not get support,

this time it was a matter of thousands of euros, next time it can be tens of thousands and the AIRBNB MAFIA COROPORATION will not take any responsabilty over their guests.


Shame and lame, but this is what you get, dont expect anything else if something get wrong with your booking.


Someone have any idea if there is anything i can do? or should i just obey to this madness



Wish you all pleasant guests in the future! ❤️


Guy from Berlin



4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It is always awful when guests take advantage. Sorry I am not sure what you can do now until they determine your claim.


However prevention is better than cure and I am suprised you would leave your place without having CCTV or similar in place to monitor your listing.


If you had, you would have seen a party was starting up and shut it down before it started. Instead not only have your guests ruined your place but they have also upset your poor neighbours who had to put up with their noise and anti-social behaviour.


And upset other guests you had staying in a nearby property.


Where you or a co-host not on hand to monitor the place knowing it was New Year and party season?

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia




Someone will say : Airbnb is JUST a booking site.

No, it is not!

If Airbnb would be just a booking site then it would allow us to protect ourselves and our properties the best we can and would not protect guests who make damages, break house rules, threathen hosts etc... 


I said that many times but will say it again - ACTUAL SECURITY DEPOSIT WOULD PREVENT SUCH THINGS TO HAPPEN.


Level 1
London, United Kingdom

The cases I heard like this, Airbnb only made a move after owners contact the press to talk about there case, then Airbnb will contact you as they don't want bad press.

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

Try twitter and facebook.