Help please - availability - not possible status, but should allow

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Help please - availability - not possible status, but should allow

Please assist I have a confirmed booking in place 9-11 Mar, and I pre-approved and blocked off 2-9 Mar for another guest... on my inbox the latter shows as "Not Possible", there is enough time between 10am and 2pm to clean the apartment and change linnen, why would it allow the request to come through and for me to preapprove and block dates for further enquiries on those dates but show as "not possible"?  I need urgent help please 

Top Answer
Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Ahh Gabi - you are onto something - thought I was going mad!  There is a Pending on 6-7, that came in after after I blocked the dates 2-9 off for 24 hours (until tomorrow midday), which is weird that it would have allowed the request?  I did tell that enquiry that I would advise tomorrow if they didn't end up booking.

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5 Replies 5
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If 1th guest checkes out on the 9th, only the 8th must be available to book for the guest (NOT the 9th, because the night of the 9th is booked by the second guest).

Think nights, not days  !

Hope this helps,


Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

To clarify - my understanding would be


Guest 1 arrives 2nd at 2pm and leaves 9th at 10am

Guest 2 arrives 9th at 2pm and leaves 11th at 10am


So there is no overlap if you can clean the apartment on the 9th between 10am and 2pm?

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Thanks very much for helping me out



Or am I being completely blonde here Emiel?  When I look at the calendar view it seems to work as I believe it to work and not like above as the 2 nights are greyed out for 9 & 10 March for Guest1, so perhaps I am misinterpreting your reply?

Level 10



looking at your calendar the 6th and 7th are not availble (blocked by you?), thats why you cannot pre-approve guest 2





Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Ahh Gabi - you are onto something - thought I was going mad!  There is a Pending on 6-7, that came in after after I blocked the dates 2-9 off for 24 hours (until tomorrow midday), which is weird that it would have allowed the request?  I did tell that enquiry that I would advise tomorrow if they didn't end up booking.