Hi, i have a question. If a rent an apartment for a 1 year, can i be host on AirBnb?.

Hi, i have a question. If a rent an apartment for a 1 year, can i be host on AirBnb?.

Hi, i'm not the apartment's owner. I'm just renting annually. Can i be host on AirBnb?

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Sebastian79,


I would suggest you read Airbnb's terms and conditions: https://airbnb.com/terms


Do you have permission from your landlord?


What are the regulations in your area?


I think you should start by researching.



Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I agree with @Dave-and-Deb0


You will only be able to rent your place via BNB if


1. Your contract with the landlord allows you to sublet and s/he is happy for you to do short term lettings through BNB


2. Your local area allows short term lettings


3. Your building allows short term lettings


4. You have suitable insurance for hosting short term lettings.