Hosting in Kuala Lumpur suburb

Hosting in Kuala Lumpur suburb

Hello from Kuala Lumpur


I plan to list my apartment located about 7.5 km from Kuala Lumpur city centre. It is in the suburb and nearby some interesting places like national zoo, rock climbing hill, Batu Caves.


So, I plan to host my place with very basic amenities (a room with ceiling fan only, shared bathroom with no water heater) and I think it would provide enough comfort to foreign guest, especially, as they would spend for most of the time, doing outdoor activities.


I need your opinion if this is ok or still I need to air condition my place (at least in the hall area)?







1 Reply 1
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Nur-Athira-Fathiyah0 I think your priority is the water heater, how will they shower? Hot water is a basic necessity, I don't know the climate there to give my opinion about the air conditioning but a water heater is a must.