How Do I Get Invitation To Super Strict Cancellation Policy- It's Invite Only Now

How Do I Get Invitation To Super Strict Cancellation Policy- It's Invite Only Now

My host unit has a shelf life due to events in the neighborhood, MLB games.  How do I get an invitation for a Super Strict cancellation policy?  Thanks!

30 Replies 30
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Rob29 The Super Strict cancellation policies are very, very rare.  The only listings I've seen with these policies have been ultra high-end luxury resort type listings with $1,000's per night with minimum stays of 7 nights or more.  You can ask Airbnb for it, but I wouldn't hold my breath.   Good Luck!

no they are not for super elite expensive places - but I did eventually bring them 3 listings. the first one was budget though. I got it turned on as a first time airbnb host by calling them and asking for help 🙂 They pick up phone really fast from australia - i tested that before I listed.

@Rob29 @Carolyn22 Is correct, the Super Strict cancellaion is NOT just for higher end properties, (see my comment below).

I'd love to know the details of how you received this Super Strict "invitation", Carolyn, I've been trying for almost a year with no luck.


I called and asked for help and they said you have to be using a management company who has an approved linked system. Can not be a relative or family member managing. However they have no list nor do any employees know what systems are “approved systems”. They also said the only other way to get it is to have 3 or more linked properties.


It is beyond frustrating that they don’t allow it for all hosts but we all know that airbnb protects the guests not the hosts.  We have had 4 last min cancels this month due to the very not strict, strict policy. We continue each time to call and ask for super strict. Every cancel that is 7 days out results in a loss on our end because it’s impossible to book last min days for the amount they book 6 months out. Someday maybe airbnb will actually help. 

Unless it's been changed very recently, you may have been given incorrect information - the minimum number of listings one must have to qualify for Super Strict has always been 6 (occasional exceptions made for trophy properties) However, considering the major push Airbnb has been engaged in to steer regular hosts towards using "professional" and commercial management companies as "co-hosts", and the fact that they've just added a slew of new preferred software partners, it's very possible that they may have decreased that stipulation now to 3 (as long as the properties are under control of a management company, and/or connected through the API via a channel manager/PMS, one would imagine) I'll check that out tomorrow, and update when I have an answer.


Along with all the other preferential policies and practices that Airbnb favours the commercial operators with (which are denied to regular hosts) - and the obvious benefit of the Super Strict cancellation policies, of course - connecting through the API also offers priority search placement to those who utilise this option. Despite

all this clearly putting small, independent hosts at a massive disadvantage, Airbnb still flatly refuses to separate the two categories (home hosts/pro hosts), and forces the small guys to compete for bookings - and battle for survival - on a horribly (and unlawfully) skewed playing field.


The list of Airbnb's preferred and approved software partners below -





I just called them and asked them for it.

@Wendy85, that is very cool!


I am not interested in getting the Super Strict Cancellation myself (I actually prefer Flexible), but other hosts often ask how *they* can get Super Strict Cancellation.


Do you have any wisdom to share about the process of asking for Super Strict?

I just simply called and asked.

@Wendy85, okay thanks!


I'll pass that advice on to other hosts who want to know how it is done.

Hopefully they will have the same success with a simple request!



Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada



Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Rob29,


I tried to respond to this yesterday but the new CC changes no longer allows posting using an Android device.


Airbnb will invite a host to use the Super Strict Cancellation Policy if they meet the following criteria:


- Marquee property, usually with a high rate (e.g. $10,000/night)

- Property is subject to serious seasonality.

- Good track record with both guests and Airbnb.




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

@Dave-and-Deb0 @Rob29... With ALL respect...

This is actually not the case.

There is a property in my area smaller than mine (I'm the largest in my city) and they charge less than I do per night and they have the 60 day Super Strict policy. Since we in the same city, obvisouly we have the same "seaonal" occurances, etc.

We have about the same track record regading stars, they aren't "Super Hosts", etc. and we've been in business about the same amount of time.

I've pointed this out this listing to Airbnb several times and basically the response I get is "Hmmm, interesting, I'll look into it" and I never hear back as to why that Host is allowed the Super Strict cancellation policy and I am not.


I have no idea why all other sites allow the Hosts to determine what their cancellation policy should be, but Air does not. 


This is my only major issue with Airbnb, which I really love, but won't risk taking bookings too far in advance here. 

Well @Diane15,


I guess I do not know what I am talking about - wink, wink!





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host worries @Dave-and-Deb0 !


Still wish I knew how that listing in my area got that "Super Special Strict 30 day cancellation" !

It's SO fraustarting having to push Guests AWAY from Airbnb because of this! Air is my fav, EXCEPT this 30 day "invite only" policy and removing the "Dates Viewed" on STATS.


WHY is Air so tough on Hosts? 


Anyhow, I'm just "venting" at this point!

Have a great day, all!