How do I contact Airbnb?

Level 2
Copacabana, Colombia

How do I contact Airbnb?

Do I understand correctly that Airbnb is based in Lisbon?? If so how do I contact them directly by telephon THERE ARE SOME SERIOUS ISSUES WHICH NEED TO BE ADDRESSES AND RESOLVED.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Alan93, I believe they are based in San Francisco but have call centres in different cities around the world. I don't know which would be most relevant for you, but I doubt it would be London. There should be a list of contact numbers at the beginning of the community support forum I think.

I want to talk to someone in person. How do I call airbnb?


Level 1
Eureka, CA

I'm trying to contact Airbnb because I've paid for my June rental but I, now, cannot get my host to call me back or respond to my emails. How does one contact Airbnb when there's an issue??? Thank you!

Level 2
Highton, Australia

A few months ago we had a problem with a guest's booking: they had requested a booking for that night and by the time I replied (accepted) an hour later, they had booked into a motel for the night instead. When they got notified that I had accepted their booking, they realised that they were paying for NOT staying at our place that night, and they phoned me - angry that I had accepted their booking.  At that point I found a reference on the AirBNB website with an email address that I could contact AirBNB directly - but today I can't find that anywhere, I am going around and around in circles with the Contact Us > Help Centre > Contact Us.

I must say that in that previous incident, AirBNB was fantastically responsive and I had an immediate phone call from San Francisco and they resolved the issue (refund to the guests) straight away, and we didn't lose our Superhost status.

Maybe I'm not looking in the right place on the website for the DIRECT contact point... can anyone help me with this?

Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

Hi  @Alison-And-Les0 All ways to contact Airbnb are HERE. You can also find that information in the first 2 posts in the Community Help Forum or by searching for Contact Airbnb in the search bar on any page in the forums. I think that Twitter gets the fastest response these days. Hope that helps! - Karen