I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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I host in Japan where it is very strict on hosting with the Rugby World Cup and the Olympics coming up.
had a visit by the police. They recommended keeping my “data” for at least three years. My data, is at Airbnb- much of it(passport photos etc). Probably so is yours?
Question: how long does Airbnb keep guest’s data, in case of crime etc?
Specifically, guests must send us passport photos. I hope that Airbnb will keep all of that for three years, and that I can scroll back and easily access the photos of passports if necessary.
Said this:
you should simply get in contact with AirBnB support.
Have you ever used support?
Sometimes it’s like chatting with a robot that has bad AI. I suspect that Airbnb actually is testing out bots.
It used to be terrible. Recently it has gotten better. Or maybe I am off the list to be experimented on.
I asked at support as you suggested. I will tell you if/when I get an answer.
David, thank you for that though! That is helpful!
I specifically want Airbnb to keep the chats I have with guests and the passport photos guests have sent- So I don’t have to myself.
@Kevin-s0 Where does this passport photo reside in your abb system? I’ve never seen such a thing
They send their passport photo right to my hosting inbox at Airbnb. So I am wondering how long Airbnb will keep that photo.
I asked Lorellai (Lori) yesterday. I’m still waiting for an answer about this question. It seems Airbnb I with all the money they are making cannot afford support people in my time zone.
@Kevin-s0 I don't require passport or ID copies from my guests, but I do copy down their names, phone numbers and email addresses into a little book I use for that purpose. Perhaps you should start screenshotting the info you need to keep and save it to your computer, with a flash drive backup.
Thank you Sarah,
In Japan, for non-residents, it is required to have their passport number. It`s actually the law. The police told me to keep a copy of their passport. So I have them send me a photo as I mosly host non-site.I will look into getting an iPad perhaps.
@Kevin-s0 Yes, I'm aware that there are many places where that is a Govt. requirement. And some hosts, even where it isn't a requirement, ask to see ID. I wasn't suggesting that a host is in any way remiss in asking for this, just that I don't- it's not required here and all my guests have either had a lot of good reviews on their profile, or communicated really nicely, and all had actual profile photos so I could tell when they arrived that it was the same person. So I've just never felt the need to ask for ID. But I do keep the info I have on them elsewhere, in case it disappears from the site.