Probably many hosts have experienced that once a while there will be an annoying guest.
My recently annoying guest extended his stay for another week, and he asked me a few time to give him good review after his first reservation finished. Without seeing how the room left, I'm not comfortable to do that, and he kept saying himself is a good guest, follow the rules...some is true some is not true, after I told him I have to see the room after he left before reviewing.
And the person stay here for two weeks and cook everyday, and the first time he asked me to use the foil and I told him yes he can use, but then I noticed that he keeps using everyday, which I'm expecting guests to buy their own if they need it everyday for two weeks. Should I be clarify this to all the future guests?
Another thing is that this person is really demanding, he will call me loud in the house to ask for things right in front of him every day even through he saw I'm working, just like a baby.
Any sharing how to deal with this kind of aggresive guest?
Thank you