How to kick out unwanted guests who do not respect the house rules?

Level 1
Hong Kong

How to kick out unwanted guests who do not respect the house rules?

I m doing Airbnb cos I live with my BF next door, just trying to cover my rent, most of the times things are going well. I have the feeling this time is not going right in the beginning. The guest started to do price negotiation in the beginning. Okay, I give them what they wanted as long as it covered the rent and all the other costs. This guests from Singapore are very annoying that they don't switch off the light and electricity, smoking inside the house. Cos I live next door, so I know it. What should I do? I have specify those as house rules, sent them email to remind them, send them whatsapp. Can I kick them out? I feel very stressful if I kick them out they will leave negative comment.
26 Replies 26
Level 10
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

How? you take a broom and start sweeping. Anyway, you seemed to have done a lot of cancelation as host I don't see why you need to worry about guest leaving a negative review. 

Level 10
Como, CO

Always difficult to comment on such situations not knowing how things work locally, call AirBnB and cance their booking and wait until they have woken up and hung over and get them out then.

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

but what if they refuse to leave? I can I just take their keys (I just did it) and wait them to leave and then refuse them to enter? And throw their stuff through the window?

Leave their luggae outside the door? No need to be too dramatic.

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

so what to do then?

@Ciro2How long did they book to stay?

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

2 days, but their behavoiur already the first day was not acceptable at all, they broke all the possible rules of the house. 

Anyway I talked an hour ago with airbnb centre and they confirmed I did it right to put their stuff outside and prevent them to enter again.

Level 2
New York, NY

I was put out of an Airbnb apartment late last night with nowhere to go. I had an accident with the shower door , it shattered to pieces as I opened it. I called the landlord straight away to ask him what I should do. He told me that this has happened before a few years ago and that he’d come to see it. He came that evening and told me that the sofa bed is broken too (which was not!!!) and that I had to leave immediately. I had 17 days left to stay as I paid for the whole month! He threw me out in the street late at night alone in Athens. He also told me that he won’t refund me the money as he will use it to pay for the shower and sofa (that I did not break!). I don’t know what to do to be honest, but I’m sure that s behaviour cannot be ignored. What are other hosts thoughts? I really would love me to know

@Victoria352, contact AirBnB for help immediately.


My understanding is that the host can't just keep the money from your 17 unused days to pay for the damages.

If he is going to kick you out early, then the rest of your stay with him is going to be cancelled one way or another. If the rest of the stay is cancelled, then that money should end up back with you.


If the host wants to charge you for the damage, he has to start a separate process through the Resolution Center. He can't just keep your money for the trip. AirBnB will decide who pays for what. The host has to document any damage fairly extensively, so if the sofa bed is not actually broken, he probably will not succeed in getting any money for it. The money for the shower door ought to be limited to the actual cost of repairing it.


Thanks for your reply, I called Airbnb and they told me the same. They also went through al of our conversation messages and could see that I was being polite and that he was not correct and very rude throughout my time there so they are getting my money back. Hope they manage to! Thank you for your reply...

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Call Airbnb of course (once you have somewhere safe to stay).


I do hope you followed up your call with the host by messaging him so there is a record of what happened.


He can't keep your money, it has to go through Airbnb resolution to be decided what if anything you owe.

Level 2
Labrador, Australia

I have a guest in a private room in our house who stayed one month (during which time he repeatedly made a noise after 10pm chatting on speaker phone and online gaming - up to 3am).   I messaged him through Airbnb and informed him that he was affecting the other paying guests and disrespecting the house rules - no response from him.  He has now booked another month and is continuing with this behaviour.  He sleeps until 3pm and doesn't come out of his room.  I am dependent on the income from the rooms that I rent out and cannot afford to lose the money from his reservation (he has another 3 weeks to go).  At the same time I cannot allow one selfish guest to manipulate me and my other guests.  How would you handle this situation?