@Saba-and-Sekayi0 When red flags go up for you as a host, it's always best to listen to your instincts.They usually turn out to be correct. I've read numerous posts from hosts who had problems with a guest where the host said they had misgivings from the start, but accepted the reservation anyway. Better safe than sorry.
BTW, you said this came in the form of a Request, but in case you aren't aware (many hosts aren't), if it's an Inquiry, rather than a Request, you don't need to either decline (which lowers your acceptance rate) or pre-approve. For an Inquiry, all you need do is message back within 24 hours to keep up your response rate. No need to waste a decline on an inappropriate Inquiry.
You'll get pesky reminders from Airbnb to pre-approve, but you can safely ignore those. They will disappear after 24 hours if you clear your cache.