Level 1
Winterville, NC


Hi! I’m new to this. How much is a good cost to charge for a cleaning fee?  Also, I live in Winterville, NC in a modern home with plenty of space. I’m excited about getting started. What’s the best way to advertise or do I just wait for someone to contact me?

2 Replies 2

@Angela787 if you are going to clean the place yourself, you can just choose how much to charge. (I like to charge an amount that makes me feel like I am being paid well for my time.) If you hire a cleaning service, you should try to keep amount close to what the service is charging you.


As to advertising: just publishing your listing is the best way to start. You will get a special bump up in the search results for being new (so don't publish until you are completely ready to host).

Guests will contact you and make bookings or ask questions before booking.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Angela787,


Welcome to the Community Center :-). 


I could see that Matthew has given some great tips! I found a guide that you might find useful. 


Good luck!



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