Keeping Reviews from Co-Hosting

Level 1
Mountain View, CA

Keeping Reviews from Co-Hosting

Hello Airbnb community,


I currently co-host in Mountain View. My partner is moving out, however, the listing is under her name. 


How can I ensure the reviews also stay on my profile and not just hers?


I am pre-booked until the end of the year. Besides communicating with with the guests of the change, what shall I do to ensure all is in order with listing and profile? She is currently a super-host, but the analytics don't seem to be getting captured on my profile.


Thanks in advance for your help,


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Manny7,


All reviews, superhost status and analytics are only on the listing owner's profile. They don't appear on the co-host's profile.


You can't transfer her analytics, reviews etc. to your profile.

