I can imagine how frustrating this is for you - trusting a website to work properly and then finding yourself in a position where you have to refund money because it wasn't.
Of course you can contact Airbnb and explain it all, though after reading community posts of how many situations weren't settled to the host's advantage and settings but according to a guest's exagerated and false version, doesn't give me much hope they'll have your back. Yet one never knows.
If you are planning on continuing to rent, make sure you throw an eyeball every now and then over your listing as it is on the site to make sure it's all okay. For example, I've been seeing a lot of complaints recently about blocked dates on the calendar opening up as if by magic, which of course is terrible for those who use Instant Booking.
Seems the Airbnb software has become a construction patched up and held together by little bandages.
The problem with so many guests is really that they don't read. If somebody doesn't address certain things in their inquiry or request I always additionally make sure to ask them whether they had noticed this and that before accepting. That way their confirmation is on the message thread as proof and I feel better knowing they know. Thankfully, it's now possible to use saved standard messages directly on the message page and not somewhere else on the computer like it used to be.
Good luck further!