I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hi Guys,
I am new to airbnb and got a booking for 11 days over Xmas and NY. The booking was made for 5 young people coming to the area with friends, unfortuantely I don't feel comfortable with the booking. I pre-aproved the booking but then it showed in my calander as confirmed. I have just cancelled but Airbnb is keeping the previously booked dates blocked to avoid future cancellations. I am still hoping for a suitable booking at this time.
I am so confused....does anyone know what I can do to make these dates available again?
Zoe. You maybe should not be hosting until you fully understand how Airbnb works. Maybe it's best you snooze your listing and take the time to read the help section of the site and these groups. This will save you a lot of pain, money and anguish. In this instance because you canceled a reservation you dates are blocked as punishment.
contacting Airbnb re blocked booking, please can you help without comments like you should have read the conditions, i do actually fail into the i am right dept but i cant contact them or can the client... how does on contact them??
Cancelling has penalties. You already have experienced that your calendar is blocked. There is a fine and you won't be eligible for Superhost for 1 yr. if you are instant book you are allowed to cancel penalty free a few times. You may be able to plead for mercy by contacting Airbnb. Use the search function to read other posts on cancellation policy - something you really need to know
Plead for mercy !!!!
You have to be joking this mob are getting to big now ..I have had several issues
where they have taken money when people were only enquiring,I do this as a hobby
Now there is no way to gett assistance as a host!!!!
still through airbnb, a bigger house more revenue for airbnb... they can see this now i need the first property back on the market help........... how do i reach them??
To find the cancellation policies by Airbnb is rather difficult, true, but it is being talked about here all the time. this is a start:
and I did see posts here a while ago with the updated penalties for 2017 - they are much worse.
Sorry, not good news for you 😞
As others have suggested, do take the time to learn... bottom line: never ever cancel as a host. Think before pre-approving someone or accepting their booking request. Good luck next time!