Hi Edinburgh people,
I'll keep this short as you are super busy but I have a few questions for you. How many of you look at your competition and think “gee their place looks amazing” or “I’m just not getting the bookings”? I get it - it’s tough and there are many places on AirBnB for holiday lets. How many of you have watched “Stay Here” on Netflix? It's an extremely good programme to watch when you are in this business. Even if you don’t read on, please watch it to get some helpful tips.
I've been struggling how to word this as I'm not a sales person. I help my clients get your place shipshape and looking amazing so they look really appealing on the AirBnB site. I want to share my skills with you if you are thinking about updating your property but haven’t a clue how to. I’m an Edinburgh-based interior designer who has helped AirBnB owners get their flats perfect, with one owner awarded AirBnB Plus status! If you want to know more, please see www.reneeturner.co.uk
I’ve been doing research on 2 bed and 1-2 bathrooms flats in Edinburgh and have noticed a huge disparity in quality. There is lack of homely decor, outdated furniture and no colour. As a result, there is a disparity in per night prices. Below this email is data for April and October for Edinburgh central 2 bed flats. If you want to find out where your flat sits relative each month, I'll share as part of my interior design service. Today I am offering a redesign (consultation, moodboard and where to buy all items) for 3 x Edinburgh flats with 2 bed and 1 bathroom for £650*. This is equivalent to one week rent but imagine the potential to raise this to the Edinburgh average after a makeover. This is usually £1000 because of the hours of research required.
If you have any questions, let me know as I'll be happy to help!
Renee 🙂
*This is the price for the interior design service and excludes the cost of the furniture, paint, accessories etc.