If AbnB takes photos am I obligated to use them?

Level 1
New York, NY

If AbnB takes photos am I obligated to use them?

I have gotten approval for a local photographer to take photos of my place. I've gone through the FAQs and see that AbnB will vet and choose and then publish these photos on their own without my involvement. It says if I want I can add my own. Must I use the photographer's photos? What if I don't like them and want to use ONLY my own?


Thank you!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Stevensville, MI

No you do not have to use them. You don't need an ABNB photographer at all.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

No you can use whichever photos you like, but having had them done the ones the professional photographer took were a million times better than mine...so for me a bit of a no brainer 🙂

Level 3
Canterbury, United Kingdom

I've had two different Airbnb photographers and most of the photos they took were awful!!  I picked out the best and deleted the rest.