Google translates:
Good afternoon,
I would like to warn you of a modality that has been presented in the city of Medellin, many people without profile pictures, without any observation of previous trips and with a recently opened account, and who knows if even guests with photos and verifications, are making reservations for a few days max 3 days, you get copies of the keys and then once your stay is over, and in days following the stay enter the property to steal. We have been able to corroborate this with the Police Quadrant of the Estradio Sector; It is a band of apartamenteros that uses Airbnb to be able to gain access to the real estate and in this way enter the property and steal appliances, televisions, even belongings of guests. Airbnb does not guarantee any type of security, nor a true guest verification. The police informed us that TENS of complaints have been received for this type of situation by Hosts and guests and when talking with Airbnb they do not offer you any type of guarantee, answer or solution. So far the police are investigating this, but being realistic I do not think they offer any kind of real solution. PLEASE BE CAREFUL and look for good security alternatives for your properties, tenants and yourselves.