@Selena4 Welcome to being an Air BNB host! Your place looks quite lovely. While @Bob39 paints a gloomy picture, he has a good point about leaving valuables in your apartment. Since your space is not shared, you won't know of damage until after your guests leave. The good guests will take responsibility, but many guests will not let you know. Be sure to get to the property the day the guest leave. Do not have valuable or sentimental items that can be damaged in your space. The basic hosting articles make the same recommendation. As to SD, yours seems a bit low. Look at comparable listings in your area for ideas.
Also, some hosts have found insurance in different countries that cover short term rentals. You can expore using "insurance" to see what others have found. The Host Protection Plan is like any insurance plan. You are at the mercy of the insurer to agree with your statement and evidence of loss. This issue is not unique to Air BNB as all business have both damage and liability insurance.
I urge you to make good use of the many host articles in the Help Center and even follow some discussion threads here in this host forum. Please be prepared to be as savvy about this business including regulations and taxes. Best of luck