Hello so I have been hosting for over two in a half years now In my apt with no real issues. I live in the Apt myself while I rent and have been able to monitor what goes on. I have an onsite landlord who has not had issues with me doing it as well.
The the issue is my building is rent controlled and I have read you cannot list in a rent controlled building period. Then I read you can if its long term rental (nothing under 30 days) as long as its not a 2nd residence ive tried doing the research and I cannot seem to get one solid answer or maybe I am just not understanding it correctly. Under this I will paste Some of the things I have read
(LA times)
"A host who rents rooms in their primary residence can create separate listings but can rent to only one set of guests at a time, and short-term rentals of any kind are no longer allowed in Rent Controlled buildings."
(LA times)
"A new law explicitly bans stays of 30 days or less in rent-controlled buildings or in units that aren’t someone’s primary residence — that is, second homes or investment properties."
(LA city.org)
"The residence must not be subject to the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), whichapplies to most non-single-family rental units constructed before 1978, or any otheraffordability provisions such as an affordable housing covenant. For information on whethera property is subject to the RSO, search for the address in ZIMAS (zimas.lacity.org) andcheck under the “Housing” tab. Please note, the list is subject to change. For moreinformation, please see RSO Overview (hcidla.lacity.org/RSO-Overview) or contact theHousing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) at (866) 557-7368."
You exclusively host stays of 30 or more nights
If you only accept bookings for 30 or more nights at a time, you are not required to register your listing or take any action on Airbnb. If you’d like to switch to long-term stays,
(Air BNB)
You host in a building/address that is subject to the City's Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO)
If your building is subject to the Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), it’s not eligible for home sharing. Temporary exemptions such as for owner-occupancy do not relieve a residence from being a rental unit Unit subject to the provisions of the RSO. For information on whether your property is subject to the RSO, you can search for your address in Zimas and check under the “Housing” tab. If you believe your property is mistakenly identified as being subject to any housing restrictions, you can decide to proceed with your application by paying the application fee and providing a written explanation, along with any supporting documentation, that outlines why the city’s information may be incorrect and the registration requirements are met.