May I receive feedback on my listing?

Level 2
Colombo, Sri Lanka

May I receive feedback on my listing?

Hi,  I am fairly new to Air bnb and would like to receive feedback on my listing.


I've put a lot of work and hope to increase my income significantly thanks to it. There are many of you who have been in this business for sometime and are well  experienced hosts on the forum that can help me make it better.


Would like to receive your feedback on my listing  to make it even better!

Many thanks,


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Adelaide, Australia

Hi there @Sharmani0 

I just took a look at your listing and it looks like you’ve done a nice job! The location sound good too. One thing you could do is ensure you have all of your criteria set correctly. It shows up as a private room but from reading your description and photos, it is actually the whole apartment.


Your photos are ok - try to ensure they are all landscape though.  Next, you may try getting some professional ones done or search for some tutorials online about how to take photos that really show-off your listing.


Best wishes 🙂
