More and more guests trying to stay for free

Level 3
Huntington Beach, CA

More and more guests trying to stay for free

I started to get more and more guests, who either try not to pay at all or try to get partial refund, using airbnb being pro guest. Just curious is it only me? Or it is a tendency. I host on some other platforms, but none of them  I get so much freestay hunters...

2 Replies 2

@Az2  - no I do not experience guests trying to stay for free or wanting a partial refund.  What are the reasons they are asking for this?  If they have eligible complaints, you can ask them to file with Airbnb directly who will mediate on your behalf.

Level 2
New York, NY

Hi! I had these experiences with some guests! Usually they start complaining right away! And complaining at EVERYTHING like your place is total **bleep**. They won’t like the color of glasses, shape of sofa. I had a guest who got very creative with a camera and made my dishwasher look like it’s covered in some white powder outside! (Totally crazy)


I decided that if the guest starts complaining I would just cancel because it’s very stressful to deal with all that. And if they stay they will complain at something every day and try to get a refund after!!!!!!


Tip for hosts : if the guest complains within 24 hours you need to come and give them what they want, even if the guest is saying nonsense in your opinion. In this case he will not get a refund after their stay !