Multiple hotel rooms showing up in a search for 'private room in home' – can this be right?!

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Multiple hotel rooms showing up in a search for 'private room in home' – can this be right?!

I'm sure this topic has been raised before but I can't find a thread... anyway, it's recently been brought home to me when I did my regular search (Homes → private room) in our area... all of a sudden there's about 20% more new listings, all of which look like rooms in the same hotel.


With so much emphasis on “finding the right fit,” and “customisation/optimisation” of searches, what on earth is the point of lumping in formulaic hotel rooms with individual, even unique, rooms in our homes?! Surely, if a potential guest is searching for a room in someone's home (with implied interaction with a host, not to mention lower price), they're NOT looking for a hotel room.


OK, so Airbnb wants to make more money, so they allow all different kinds of listings: fine, I suppose... but, if you're going to do that, at least keep the apples separate from the potatoes!


PS I'm not necessarily worried about increased competition, I'm just flummoxed... I mean, could this be a mistake in the software? @Lizzie , can you shed any light?


PPS On checking, I see that there IS a filter (see screenshot) – how come it's not working? I've contacted Airbnb Help on Twitter about it.Screenshot_2019-02-21 Holiday Rentals, Homes, Experiences Places - Airbnb(1).png




17 Replies 17
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Patricia55 ,


Thanks for the additional information on this, I've sent this over to the Product Team to check if this is displaying how it should be.


I'll let you know, if I hear any more information.






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Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Thanks, it would be interesting to hear their response, especially if this is official policy.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Lizzie   Hi Lizzie, have you had any feedback from the Product Team about this?